What's next?
Continue the incubation of multiple projects building in the Yeecosystem
Telegram bots that users can yeet from and interact with Yeet's smart contracts
Communal yeeting products where users can pool capital, and share risk and rewards
AI agents that can devise yeeting strategies and execute them
Amass greater volume and deals from other protocols to launch YeetBonds, and secure integrations from cross-chain aggregators
Build out social features for the Yeet Bonzi, such as social profiles and onchain badges that highlight different actions and behavious, creating a Yeet onchain social graph
Evolution of $YEET tokenomics to move to a dynamic issuance curve to Yeet Game players, instead of the current fixed issuance curve in order to avoid "overpaying" for volume
This is based on mutliple economic audits and simulations which have shown that this would be a wise evolution for the sake of Yeet's longevity and sustainability
Build a gamified Yeet layer on top of Berachain defi where whitelisted products can be "yeeted" into from the Yeet app (extremely long term)
Ossify as much of the protocol as possible, and decentralize to a DAO what is not possible to ossify
Last updated